Device Feature

Indoor Location using Bluetooth

Enhanced Positioning Indoors using BLE Beacons

summarize Summary
Lightbug trackers come with built-in Bluetooth which allows for location tracking indoors using BLE Beacons (Beacons required!)

Optional added accuracy

Where indoor location using WiFi is not sufficient in terms of accuracy or coverage, BLE Beacons (sold separately) can be used to give more accurate indoor tracking.

Smart Actions

Beacons can be used to tell devices to stay in sleep mode: conserving power when they are in a known area such as a warehouse

How does it work?

After physically placing the BLE Beacons and linking them to our platform, Lightbug trackers will use Bluetooth and measure interactions with any nearby BLE Beacon to clearly tell you which specific room or part of the premisses the tracker is currently located in.